5 advantages of joining an incubator

5 advantages of joining an incubator

After 2 years of Covid, many companies are fed up with working in a not so professional looking “office”, being alone, doing calls in their pajamas… We all need air and people around to feel energized. That’s exactly what an incubator does for start-up companies. Create environments that encourage growth and enable access to broad networks.

Facilities beyond imagination

Let’s dive into our very own incubator spaces. They offer all types of facilities you might need: offices and meeting rooms in different sizes and shapes, fablabs, production workshops, laboratories… Facilities you need to develop your business idea, reflect, meet, produce prototypes, and test, are all there. 

In today’s day and age, relaxation makes up an important part of everyday life. That’s why we created cozy coffee corners and lunch areas to have spontaneous conversations. You also don’t want to miss out on our sports facilities, either in house, or just around the corner. 

What’s even more unique to incubators.brussels, is that you can easily change from smaller to bigger spaces as the growth of your business requires. Add services such as reception, Hi-speed internet, and post service to it, and you have the perfect professional environment for startups to thrive.

Locations and strategy

All of our incubators are all settled in modern, sustainable buildings at strategic locations in Brussels. 

  • Our life science incubator BLSI is located near Saint-Luc hospital and UCL university;
  • Greenbizz is oriented at innovative sustainable economy is close to Tours & Taxis; 
  • ICAB as our Hi-Tech incubator is close to VUB (with which it has close ties); 
  • EEBIC, with its focus on multi-sector start-ups with specific financial needs, is located in Anderlecht (Erasme), which is easily accessible from the inside and outside of Brussels.

A thriving environment 

Another reason why startups might be looking into a new work environment, is the need to meet and exchange knowledge and experience with like-minded entrepreneurs. Since our incubators are all specialized in one specific sector, they offer strong communities to connect with. 

Entrepreneurs with similar ambitions meet up in coffee corners or bump into each other in hallways. Their businesses are going through the same growth opportunities and struggles, which creates unique learning experiences. It might even result in long lasting partnerships or collaborations with suppliers. 

Our incubators regularly organize internal (informal) networking events, to encourage further community growth.

Networking doesn’t stop there. Each of our incubators help establish deep ecosystem contacts with external partners as well. 

“Our principle? Everything starts with good conversations!”


Diving into the ecosystem of an incubator also means getting access to qualitative support, within and outside. In a journey of growth, start-ups might come across legal or HR issues. That’s why we offer different types of inhouse coaching. We are also strongly connected to public funding and support programs in Brussels. Many of our start-ups have been able to count on their guidance.


Another interesting reason to join one of our incubators is the pricing. Everything mentioned above, is included in an all-in-one monthly fee at very competitive prices. No hassle with energy invoices, internet and various providers. 

Joining an incubator has many advantages, and for us the proof is there. The number of (previously) joined start-ups who have won entrepreneurial awards (hub.brusssel, Innovative Starter award by Innoviris, Greenlab, Trends Gazelle 2022) is impressive! 

Ready to make the move? Get in touch, we are happy to guide you towards the right incubator for your startup.

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