Biking to work is the new trend

Biking to work is the new trend

Oh yes it is! We at are convinced about the good effects of biking to work: it keeps you fit and in Brussels it’s the only way to efficiently manage your travel time. No hassle with traffic jams. With the current exploding energy prices, it even makes you save quite some money. More and more of our start-up members are making the shift from driving to cycling.

That’s why our incubators Greenbizz, ICAB, EEBIC and BLSI, have invested in cycling infrastructure from the very beginning. We offer secured indoor bike parkings and showers because we know you don’t want to start your day in the office all sweaty. Greenbizz even has two electric bikes at the disposal of start-up members. 

“The number of employees biking to work has grown by 2% between 2021 and 2022.”

In Brussels, many efforts are made to get the working population on their bicycles. 

To bike or not to bike, one of the main reasons is safe infrastructure on the road. 

Since 2020 numerous separated bike lanes have been installed around the inner ring road and at many different locations. For example, getting from ICAB (Ixelles) to Greenbizz (Laeken) takes you 30 minutes at any time of the day. 

If you come from outside Brussels, multimodal mobility is another option. One can combine the train to get to Brussels and a (foldable) bike to travel around the city. Most Brussels train stations have a Cyclo bike service and secured bike parking.

Figuring out how to get around best by bike is made easy with the Bikenode app. As Brussels is hilly, it helps you plan your trips through quieter streets and avoid too much driving up and down. 

Leasing could be an interesting solution if you don’t feel like buying bikes for yourself and your staff.

Companies that are delivering in Brussels can even get up to €4000 subsidy to purchase a cargo bike. It is estimated that about 50% of all deliveries can be done by cargo bike in Brussels. Therefore, the Region developed a unique campaign, including subsidies for companies, parking infrastructure etc. to promote cargo bikes in Brussels.

Still not convinced? The Bike Project by Brussels Environment offers a complete  program to SMEs and big companies who’d like to get their staff cycling but do not know how. 

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